How to get a good job in 2019?

Ultimately, we all want the same thing in life.

To be happy with how we spend our time, and be able to afford to live the way we want.

For some people, that means entrepreneurship, odd gigs, or a life of uncertainty, bound only by your own work ethic and determination.

But, historically people have wanted security that can only be had through a “regular” job. One were the boss signs a check at the end of the week for all of your hard work.

So, how can you end up with a “job” that allows you to afford to live?

We’ll breeze through this one quick today!

Find jobs that fit your interest and fulfill your needs

How much does it pay? What’s the potential?

For me, this is one of the most important parts of a job. If you’ve got a family to support, you’ll agree that compensation is important.

We would love to get a job that’s enjoyable every single day, but might not pay six figures…

But, let’s face the facts that some jobs are a battle that often times can be influenced by the payout.

How much do you need to make? Remember that number when looking for a job/career; even if a place doesn’t advertise in the range that you need, it’s still worth looking into.

If you’re awesome, the company might consider stretching their budget to pick you up.

What are their values?

This is a BIG BIG part that so many people breeze right over.

It’s important to know what kind of people you’re working for, and what the company stands for.

The biggest mistake would be to ignore this important aspect, start a job and realize six months later you’ve made a terrible mistake.

Some values I look for in a business:

  • Must invest in employees! Through continuous training, incentive packages and a “family” viewpoint. [Some employers see everything and everyone as just another expense].
  • The benefits actually benefit the workers! [If the medical insurance sucks, but there are always donuts or bagels in the break room… RUN]
  • Care and Communication! [Ask for a tour of the facility, and ask employees names. If they don’t know their employees by name, don’t waste your time].
  • Believe in their product! [Bosses/owners should have a fairly good grasp on their product line. They should believe it’s the best possible product on the market, and that it can solve a real problem for consumers].
  • How does quality rate? [It’s more important to produce a great product than it is to ship rushed junk/sub-par work to a customer].

Is there a company you’d love to work for?

If there is a place you’ve got your heart set on for a job, but you don’t see any positions available, it doesn’t hurt to ask if and when they will be hiring.

If the company allows you to fill out an application that they’ll store for (x) amount of days, do it!

Even smaller employers want to have prospective hires on file in case they need to hire someone quickly.

Building a GREAT resume

What type of job are you applying for?

In a lot of manufacturing and skilled trades positions, the supervisor/hiring manager doesn’t get too crazy on a resume.

It’s usually required to apply for a job, but some employers barely look at it.

Use judgement to determine if the job you want is formal enough to need a well written resume (and cover letter).

Organize yourself

A resume is a reflection of the applicant. When an employer picks yours up, or opens the email containing it, they’ll make an assessment of you right there (they shouldn’t).

The current job I’m at, I was WAY under qualified for. However, when I cast my resume out there into the job pool, I caught a fish that wouldn’t let go. My hiring manager would not take no for an answer until I agreed to interview, and I’m glad I did.

Resumes should clearly get across your work history, and a brief overview of what you bring to the table for another company.


  • Overview – Who you are, and what your goals are for the job you’re applying to. [Make this short, 2-3 sentences max].
  • Education [Where did you got to school?]
  • Employment History
  • Skills [Nobody is impressed by you solving a rubix cube behind your back. Be serious here; highlight things like mechanical ability, organization, use of Microsoft Word]

Don’t “fluff” with information like other generations

This is not your tinder profile, and it’s no time to be lying about your history or abilities.

Lying on a resume only becomes apparent when you’re tasked to do something without the actual experience that was written on your resume.

It used to be common practice to lie on a resume so people could land jobs they otherwise wouldn’t be able to get. Once there, they’d “wing it”, which sometimes worked out!

Do you need a cover letter?

Not really… The only purpose of a cover letter is to be extra formal.

Contained in a cover letter should be a thanks for the opportunity to apply, and why you would be a good fit.

Take the time to google templates for this if you’re unsure of how to draft a good cover letter.

The idea is that the resume is an outline version of you. It’s your sales chart/graph, and the cover letter would be the pitch.

It’s good practice to send along a cover letter, especially if you’re good at writing.

When all else fails, if you can’t write your own resume in an organized way, then pay a professional to write it for you!

Finally the Interview!

You Get Called In

Some time after applying the phone may ring.

I know… It’s 2019, who talks on phones anymore, right?

Maybe, but employers like to hear the person they might consider hiring.

Be professional when answering the phone, be responsive and agreeable.

It’s great to remember what’s on the calendar, so if the employer wants a face-to-face meeting, it’s quick to remember which days are free.

How to dress?

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have…

I’m not sure who said that quote, but it couldn’t be more true!

It’s professional and respectful to show up in clean clothes that are non-offensive. The more formal the job, the more formal the attire for an interview.

I once made the mistake of showing up to a dealership, interviewing for a sales position wearing a bright pink t-shirt with “AEROPOSTALE” pasted across the torso.

I was so embarrassed when the sales manager complimented my resume and demeanor, then tore me to shreds over my choice of clothing.


Be prepared

  • Be on time!
  • Be clean(shower)
  • Have a small meal beforehand
  • Bring a small notepad with questions you may have
  • Research the company beforehand to understand what they do, who they are, and where they come from
  • Relax, it’s only an interview.

Listen when the prospective employer is speaking

In 2019, people love to hear themselves talk; so we sometimes listen to respond instead of listening to understand.

Try and suppress the desire to pump your fists and tell this interviewer how great YOU are. Listen to their concerns, why they are hiring, and explain how you can help solve their problems.

If the problem is other employees don’t want to take responsibility and “run with the ball”, then step up and explain why you can be that person.

When Responding…

Breathe, it’s not life or death (in most cases).

Be sure to speak clearly, directly, and with a comfort about yourself.

Humans can instinctively feel the emotions of others if they’re actively listening and observing body language.

Above all else, just remember there is always another job down the road if an interview goes poorly.

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