
The Path To Financial Security

The Cold Truth Nobody prepares us for the real world. In fact, I don't feel that school prepared me at all for the world of money as an adult. But, let's "pull back the curtain of mystery" so to speak. I'll use some real world examples from the mistakes I made early on, that I … Continue reading The Path To Financial Security

Quick Tips To Deal With Anxiety

Listen, we can't stop time or even try to slow it down. But, if we stop progressing forward because we're afraid of things changing, that's a dangerous place to be... At the top of a proverbial landslide, inching ever closer to the edge.

3 Reasons To Maintain Your Independence

Humans... We're built to be part of a tribe, and to belong. We're genetically programmed to contribute to a group (whether that's a group of 2 or 2,000). There is an unconscious need to produce something of value, and we should not fight that. But... Our independence within ourselves should not be completely lost in … Continue reading 3 Reasons To Maintain Your Independence

Get Busy Living

The world can be filled with unknowns, surprises and downright shocking events. What's worse, is that we don't have control over a lot of the things that happen to us. Whether being the loss of a loved one or friend, the economic turmoil from a pandemic (I'm looking at you COVID-19), or any number of … Continue reading Get Busy Living

3 Lessons I Learned By Changing Careers

There are an endless amount of excuses for why we're unhappy, and most of the time we blame our "jobs", citing that the boss or management are evil cats who don't want to share the ball of yarn.

3 Handy Ways To Endure A Quarantine

It's almost May, and most of the Country is still on lockdown in some capacity. Either a "stay-at-home" order, or an all out restriction of travel and non-essential trips.